Download Clarification letter.pdf
Recomended Files
KSB - Clarification # 1 rev.1 - October 15th.xlsx
Weir - Clarification # 1.xlsx
KSB - Clarification # 1.xlsx
KSB - Clarification # 1 rev.2 - October 27th.xlsx
RE_ HO SQS comments_Chemical Injection and Metering Pumps___ CORTECH DXP Milton Roy Bid _ TBE_Clarification form-1.msg
7.2. Tech clarification with API deviations.xlsx
7.2. Tech clarification with API deviations.xlsx
7.2. Tech clarification with API deviation_ updated 22 APR 24.xlsx
Attachment #5 - 7.2. Tech clarification with API deviation_ updated 1 Jul 24_Worley review - BCM July 3.xlsx
RE_ Doc1370010284 - Circulation pumps- JFC5 CAP project- MOC clarification.msg